
Badges??? We don’t need no stinking badges! Well… yeah, we actually do. At MGC, no good, or bad deed for that matter, is gone unrewarded. Listed below are the badges, awards and special honors bestowed on our worthy members.


Board Member

Hey, someone has to guide this herd of drunkards. Due to their uncanny ability to avoid a land war in Asia, these distinguished members have been named to the MGC board.

Trip Planner

Volunteered to plan an MGC trip and is forever recognized as an esteemed “Trip Planner.”

Multiple Trip Planner

Volunteered to plan multiple MGC trips. What more can I say… this person has achieved near god-like status.

5 Events

Member has attended 5 MGC events — a decent showing and there may be hope for this sad sack after all.

10 Events

Member has attended 10 MGC events and is much more gung ho than those wimpy 5 event attendees; praised throughout the land for this monumental achievement.

15 Events

Member has attended 15 MGC events and is the grand poobah of all attendees. More than likely he is also a raging alcoholic due to the many years of MGC tomfoolery.

Annual Awards


This member has distinguished himself from the other MGC miscreants by going above and beyond the call of duty to do something truly spectacular. He is our hero!


This highly sought after honor is bestowed upon the member that has pickled himself by drinking more or longer than all the other trip attendees.


Luckily, on every trip someone amuses all of the other attendees by doing something completely ridiculous or stupid. This member gets to wear the “Bonehead” badge for the year.

Ralphy Boy

Bring me a bucket… this poor sad sack has made the dubious mistake of hurling massive chunks on an MGC trip. Extra points can be awarded for distance, quantity and location of the vomitous mass.

Rainbow Award

This member has taken “male bonding” to a whole new level and been selected by the cart girl as the token gay golfer. It is finally time to come out of the closet and proclaim your gay pride!

Best Golf Score

Yes, this is a golf trip, so I guess we should have a golf award. This badge is awarded to the member with the lowest score (with handicap) for the stroke play round.


This brave lad takes one for the team by occupying the ugly girl while his MGC brother scores with the “hotty”. The wingman is a true friend that deserves high praise, if not warm caresses.

Stinky Pants

Determined by consensus and awarded the honor of the rankest, foulest, nasty-ass expeller of intestinal gas, and possible environmental hazard, during the trip.

Dapper Dan

As the winner of the “Crazy Clothes Day”, this debonair fellow has donned the most unique, colorful, dare-say obnoxious, attire and is honored as the trip style master.

Walking Wounded

A.k.a. Man Down, this attendee was wounded in the line of duty, probably performing some remarkable deed or daring feat (i.e., tripping over the curb).

The Energizer

This attendee keeps going and going and going, powering through all of the challenges, events, late night carousing, and whatever else is thrown at them, to keep the dream and their lack of sleep alive.

Smooth Operator

This “smooth operator” has used his savvy ways to sweet-talk some young (or old) lady back to his love nest. Must have carnal knowledge on the premises, à laTop Gun, to be dubbed this year’s “Smooth Operator”.


This upstanding fellow has stepped up figuratively, and quite possibly literally, to pull another member back from the cliff’s edge, saving them from potential physical harm or emotional shame.


This person’s highly questionable actions have resulted in being stopped, seized, detained, man-handled or arrested by Five-Oh. This person is rewarded with a personal cell visit from Bubba the 300-pound man-child.

Couch Potato

This old fogey would rather sit on the couch then participate in one of our exciting adventures. Excuses will fall on deaf ears when your lack of motivation earns you this sad distinction.


This unconventional problem solver can fix a jet engine with a toothpick and a breath mint. Using their extensive bank of scientific and technological know-how, this person “McGuyver’s” the crap out of something on an MGC trip.

High Roller

Affectionately called “Mr. Vegas”, this person went all in to bring home the largest pot and the most cash winnings. For his gambling prowess, he is proudly named this year’s high roller.

The Foodie

This glutton’s feat of culinary strength has reached legendary status by cooking or eating something truly spectacular, gross or unusual on this year’s trip — also know as the Iron Stomach.

Mr. Furious

In honor of Washman’s antics at MGC10, this dubious honor is given to the person that loses his cool and goes completely ballistic, with veins popping and everything. For your anger management penance, a cute, little kitten shall adorn your profile.

Special Awards/Honors

“Top Gun” Ace

This attendee channeled their inner Tom Cruise to buzz the tower and shoot down bogies in their virtual Tomcat to bring home the “Top Gun” Ace award. He can be our wingman anytime!

MGC Lite Attendee

These folks braved the COVID-19 zombie apocalypse to come together for a mountain side respite and to keep the MGC annual trip streak alive. They wear their masks with pride!

Wild Wild West Winner

This urban cow poke had the giddy up in his step to avoid the cow pies, outgun the bad guys and throw back the rotgut better than his pards to win this coveted award.

Casanova Award

Awarded to this modern day Casanova for his seductive efforts in attracting adventurous women (and men) into our annual trip activities. His exploits have become legendary in the annals of MGC lore.

Beer Olympics Champion

This Olympian chugged his way to fame and glory in the MGC Beer Olympics. With events like stein holding, carry the wench and brat toss, this person dominated the competition with a superior bladder and drinking style to win gold.

80’s Challenge Winner

Wearing jelly bracelets, a neon headband and a killer fanny pack, this person embraced the 1980’s and threw down the competition, and his skin-tight Jordache jeans, to be named the Back to the 80’s Challenge winner.

Urban Scavenger Hunt

We turned Denver into a giant game board with MGC’s version of the urban scavenger hunt. The teams that braved this 12-hour, interactive quest, singing “I lost that loving feeling” and wearing crotchless panties, received this well-deserved badge of honor.

Ryder Cup Winner

Like the real Ryder Cup, Team USA squares off against Team Europe for this biennial competition. The winner is awarded the coveted Ryder Cup trophy, boldly flaunting it at their transatlantic rivals for two glorious years.

Shark Week Challenge Winner

The winner of the 2013 Shark Week Challenge received this highly coveted badge, rewarding the most daring attendee for his courage in surviving the shark infested waters of Myrtle Beach.

James Bond Challenge Winner

The winner of the five-mission extravaganza officially dubbed as the 2012 “James Bond Challenge” gets to proudly wear this badge as the ultimate man of mystery.

Mesquite Survivor

These members attended and miraculously survived the infamous 2006 trip to Mesquite, Nevada. Although emotionally scarred, they wear their badges proudly.