I am not a newbie to MGC, but I was and it wasn’t that long ago.  Although it took me several years to finally take the ‘red pill’ and make it to an MGC outing, from the moment I landed in Utah for the BEER OLYMPICS, it felt like I had always been a part of it.  Partly true, as I knew most of the guys but I still had to prove my worth – Misha made sure that I didn’t forget that until my chance came.  Representing team Iceland, I had my clubs, gear and attitude ready to take down the Mormon state.

Deer Valley bike rideI landed the day before the festivities, so that I could get acclimated.  Pat, Tony, Brendan and I were able to grab some good food, a little beer and some golf before the rest of the crew started piling in and I think the extra day of (golf/beer/brotherhood) was a great way to get started!  Utah was a blast, here’s what I took away from that first trip:

  • MGC has a Mulligan rule – pace yourself.  Or don’t, I didn’t and shot an 84.  I couldn’t see straight for 18 hours, but I shot an 84!
  • Someone might die.  It has yet to happen, but not for lack of trying (I was a candidate, but I wussed out and let Benji take honors for getting closest).
  • I’m not a chef.  The wings I made were pretty awesome (I’m also humble, just ask me) but the time spent would have been better spent elsewhere.  We either order wings or hire a chef!
  • No one owns the van, but the driver is the boss!
  • Escape rooms need a safe word.
  • Nearly everyone wears the panties, but only some of us wear them with STYLE
  • The digs are sick.  Utah was bad ass, VA lite was perfect for the smaller group and San Diego looks to be the best of them all!

Now I’m a crafty veteran of the MGC as I have a whole 1 and a half trips under my belt and the biggest take away I have from each of these trips is that they are priceless and although I was late to the party, I don’t plan to miss another.  And late is fashionable, so I hear.

Shout out to Misha for helping me prove my worth – I was late to the scavenger hunt and he had me play catchup at the bar.  SHOTS!!!